A Criminal Lawyer Takes Your Side

There is one thing that each and every person accused of a crime deserves in this country: a fair trial. But who is going to guarantee you a fair trial? Your criminal lawyer, of course. They will formulate a defense and fight for leniency. Even if you are ultimately convicted, having a good criminal lawyer can help you get your charges reduced or your sentence shortened. So how do you find a good criminal lawyer? What will your meeting with them be like? We believe you'll find answers to those and other big questions on this website. After all, we've combed the internet for good, reliable information on criminal law.

3 Strategies Your Attorney Will Likely Use To Get You A Lesser Sentence Or An Acquittal In Your Criminal Case


The legal system recommends various tough measures against criminal perpetrators. Therefore, if you're the defendant, you need to have credible witnesses, sufficient evidence, and an experienced criminal lawyer to clear your name when charged with criminal activity. Your lawyer will start by evaluating your case to study how to craft your defense, enabling them to find holes in each piece of evidence presented by the prosecution. Here are some strategies your attorney may use to get you a lesser sentence or an acquittal in your criminal case.

They Will Work to Convince the Court That You're Not Guilty

Your lawyer will start by educating you on your legal rights as indicated in the constitution. They will then discuss with you what to say in court, presenting the case that it would have been impossible for you to commit the crime. Afterward, your lawyer can evaluate how the prosecution has prepared its case, to see whether there are any weak points that your team can challenge. For example, if the prosecution has not lined up any witnesses, your legal advisor will be able to point out that no one saw you committing the crime. On the other hand, if there are witnesses, your lawyer might challenge their credibility with the claim that they're not fit to testify in your case.

They Will Work to Present Sufficient Evidence to Prove Your Innocence

You and your attorney need to work as a team to boost your chances of getting a lenient judgment in your criminal case. That's why your lawyer can ensure that you understand the entire defense process, guiding you on what to do and say until the conclusion of your case. They'll also advise you on the kind of argument that will be raised in court. Your lawyer will then ask you to list anyone who can testify in court on your behalf. This list would include character witnesses. The lawyer can then gather witness statements, police reports, and any other useful information that can help them defend you in court.

They Will Present Your Side's Version of the Events

Finally, your criminal defense lawyer will present your version of what happened in relation to the case. This can help to counter the information from the prosecution side, which means that the legal advisor will be able to present the case in a way that's more favorable to you. At the closing of the case, the court might offer you a plea bargain, a lesser sentence, or an acquittal, depending on the strength of your case.

A criminal charge can damage your reputation and damage your career if convicted. For this reason, you need to do everything possible to prove your innocence when the prosecution accuses you of engaging in a crime. Start by hiring a criminal defense lawyer—such as Elizabeth Franklin-Best, P.C.—to defend you in your case. They'll use the three strategies above and other legal procedures to help you win your case.


11 April 2022