A Criminal Lawyer Takes Your Side

There is one thing that each and every person accused of a crime deserves in this country: a fair trial. But who is going to guarantee you a fair trial? Your criminal lawyer, of course. They will formulate a defense and fight for leniency. Even if you are ultimately convicted, having a good criminal lawyer can help you get your charges reduced or your sentence shortened. So how do you find a good criminal lawyer? What will your meeting with them be like? We believe you'll find answers to those and other big questions on this website. After all, we've combed the internet for good, reliable information on criminal law.

Driver's License Reinstatement: FAQ


Virtually everyone who drives a vehicle would be seriously inconvenienced if their driving privileges were taken away. You would not be able to drive yourself to work or even to the grocery store. Obviously, in this situation, you would want your license reinstated as soon as possible. The following article answers some frequently asked questions about this important topic.

What is a Driver's License Suspension?

A license suspension is a temporary removal of your driving privileges. You can have your license suspended for a number of reasons, including having unpaid tickets, a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, and reckless driving. Each state will have its own list of violations that can lead to a license suspension. Typically, you will have your license reinstated after a set length of time or after certain requirements have been met. The length of the suspension and the requirement you must meet varies based on the exact offense and the laws of your state. You will need to make sure that any fines or fees you incurred are paid, such as a reinstatement fee.

What is a License Revocation?

A driver's license revocation is usually a more permanent removal of your driving privileges, although it's sometimes possible to have your license reinstated. A revocation generally happens because a very serious offense, such as vehicular homicide, has occurred. Some states might revoke a driver's license if you are convicted of multiple DUI offenses. As with suspensions the exact suspensions, and the types of violations that can result in a license revocation depend on state law.

Can You Appeal?

If you have had your license revoked or suspended under certain circumstances, you might be able to challenge the removal of your driving privileges in court. For example, if you lost your license due to an improper field sobriety test or a chemical test you took was faulty, you may be able to have a revocation or suspension set aside. This is not guaranteed, however, because even if charges leading to a removal of your driving privileges are dropped, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) could still suspend or revoke your license in some cases.

Getting a driver's license reinstated is often a complicated legal process. You can try to do it on your own, but this type of bureaucratic system is difficult for a layperson to navigate without expert assistance. When you are in this situation the best course of action is to consult with a driver's license reinstatement attorney.


20 January 2023